최준용 사진
호흡기 건강과 한의학
한방내과학(Korean Internal Medicine)


경희대학교 한의과대학 학사
경희대학교 한의과대학 석사 (한방내과학)
경희대학교 한의과대학 박사 (임상한의학)



전공분야 : 한방내과학-호흡기 및 알레르기 질환, 폐암
강의분야 : 폐계내과학 (호흡기 및 알레르기 질환)
최종학위명 : 한의학박사

(학위논문: Protective effect of the fruit hull of Gleditsia sinensis on lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury by NF-E2-related factor 2 activation)



폐암 및 호흡기 질환의 중개 및 임상연구



- 경희의료원 한방병원 일반수련의
- 경희의료원 한방병원 전문수련의 (한방 알레르기 호흡기 내과)
- 충남 당진군 면천보건지소 공중보건의
- 한국한의학연구원 임상연구센터 공중보건의(침구경락임상시험 담당)
- 한국한의학연구원 침구경락연구센터 연구원


- 부산대학교 한방병원 한방내과 전임의

- 부산대학교 한의학전문대학원/한방병원 조교수 - 부교수

- 부산대학교 한의학전문대학원/한방병원 한의과학과장


- 경남항노화산업발전위원회 자문위원

- 보건복지부 한의약공공인프라추진위원회 위원

부산대학교 한방병원 국립한의약임상연구센터장

부산대학교 한의학전문대학원/한방병원 교수 



2003 대한한방내과학회 추계학술대회 우수논문상

2016 미래창조과학부 장관 표창(국립한방임상센터 건립사업 종료 후 추적조사)





연구실적 (구글 스칼라 서지정보 연결)



Kim KH, Lee JY, Ahn S, Won R, Kim SJ, Jeong SI, Lee JJ, Kim JI,Choi JY(corresponding author), Joo M. The methanol extract of Guettarda speciosa Linn. Ameliorates acute lung injury in mice. BMC Complement Med Ther 2020, 20(1):40.

Park B, You S, Cho WCS, Choi JY, Lee MS. A systematic review of herbal medicines for the treatment of cancer cachexia in animal models. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2019, 20(1):9-22.

Han JW, Kim KH, Kwun MJ, Choi JY, Kim SJ, Jeong SI, Lee BJ, Kim KI, Won R, Jung JH et al. Suppression of lung inflammation by the ethanol extract of Chung-Sang and the possible role of Nrf2. BMC Complement Altern Med 2019, 19(1):15.

Ahn SH, Lee KP, Kim K, Choi JY, Park SY, Cheon JH. Dansameum regulates hepatic lipogenesis and inflammation in vitro and in vivo. Food Sci Biotechnol 2019, 28(5):1543-1551.


Park SR, Kim KH, Kwun MJ, Lee JY, Won R, Han CW,Choi JY, Joo M. Differential Regulation of NF-kappaB and Nrf2 by Bojungikki-Tang Is Associated with Suppressing Lung Inflammation. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2018, 2018:5059469.


Park KS, Ahn SH, Lee KP, Park SY, Cheon JH,Choi JY, Kim K. The Natural Compound Dansameum Reduces foam Cell Formation by Downregulating CD36 and Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-gamma; Expression. Pharmacogn Mag 2018, 13(Suppl 4):S868-S874.


Moon SC, Choi HJ, Chung TW, Lee JH, Lee SO, Jung MH, Kim BJ, Choi JY, Ha KT. Sorbus commixta water extract induces apoptotic cell death via a ROS- dependent pathway. Oncol Lett 2018, 16(4):4193-4200.


Lee JJ, Kim KH, Kim EJ, Choi JY, Kim SJ, Jeong SI, Kim JI, Joo M. Anti-inflammatory activity of the decoction of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl is related to Nrf2 and A20. J Ethnopharmacol 2018, 227:97-104.


Lee HY, Yun YJ, Choi JY, Hong JW, Lee I, Park SH, Kwon JN. Effectiveness and safety of moxibustion for alleviating symptoms of overactive bladder: A prospective, randomized controlled, crossover- design, pilot study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97(34):e12016.


Lee HL, Lee YB, Choi JY, Lee JA. Herbal medicine for idiopathic central precocious puberty: A protocol for a systematic review of controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97(13):e0267.


Lee H, Kang B, Choi JY, Park S, Lee MS, Lee JA: Eunkyosan for treatment of the common cold: A protocol for the systematic review of controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97(18):e0527.


Lee H, Choi TY, Shim EH, Choi J, Joo JK, Joo BS, Lee MS,Choi JY, Ha KT, You S et al. A randomized, open phase IV exploratory clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture on the outcome of induction of ovulation in women with poor ovarian response: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97(34):e11813.


Kim TH, Choi JY(co-first author), Kim KH, Kwun MJ, Han CW, Won R, Lee JJ, Kim JI, Joo M. Hominis placenta Suppresses Acute Lung Inflammation by Activating Nrf2. Am J Chin Med 2018, 46(4):801-817.


Kim KH, Kim EJ, Kwun MJ, Lee JY, Bach TT, Eum SM, Choi JY, Cho S, Kim SJ, Jeong SI et al. Suppression of lung inflammation by the methanol extract of Spilanthes acmella Murray is related to differential regulation of NF-kappaB and Nrf2. J Ethnopharmacol 2018, 217:89-97.


Jung J, Park J, Choi JY, Lee JA. Soshiho-tang for treating common cold in children younger than 12 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97(45):e13045.


Lee JA, Hong M, Lee MS, Yoon SH, Choi JY(corresponding author). Blood-letting therapy for the common cold: A protocol for a systematic review of controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017, 96(51):e9315.


Kim KH, Han CW, Yoon SH, Kim YS, Kim JI, Joo M, Choi JY(corresponding author). The Fruit Hull of Gleditsia sinensis Enhances the Anti-Tumor Effect of cis-Diammine Dichloridoplatinum II (Cisplatin). Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2016, 2016:7480971.


Kim EY, Choi HJ, Chung TW, Choi JY, Kim HS, Jung YS, Lee SO, Ha KT. Water-extracted Perilla frutescens increases endometrial receptivity though leukemia inhibitory factor-dependent expression of integrins. J Pharmacol Sci 2016, 131(4):259-266.


Kwon HJ, Choi JY(co-first author), Lee MS, Kim YS, Shin BC, Kim JI. Acupuncture for the sequelae of Bell's palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2015, 16:246.


Hwang JH, Lee BJ, Jung HJ, Kim KI, Choi JY, Joo M, Jung SK. Effects of Chung-Pae Inhalation Therapy on a Mouse Model of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015, 2015:461295.


Lee JY, Chung TW, Choi HJ, Lee CH, Eun JS, Han YT,Choi JY, Kim SY, Han CW, Jeong HS et al. A novel cantharidin analog N-benzylcantharidinamide reduces the expression of MMP-9 and invasive potentials of Hep3B via inhibiting cytosolic translocation of HuR. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2014, 447(2):371-377.


Kim S, Sagong HS, Kong JC, Choi JY, Lee MS, Wieland LS, Manheimer E, Shin BC. Randomised clinical trials on acupuncture in the Korean literature: bibliometric analysis and methodological quality. Acupunct Med 2014, 32(2):160-166.


Kim KH, Kwun MJ, Han CW, Ha KT, Choi JY(corresponding author), Joo M. Suppression of lung inflammation in an LPS-induced acute lung injury model by the fruit hull of Gleditsia sinensis. BMC Complement Altern Med 2014, 14:402.


Kim J, Woo J, Lyu JH, Song HH, Jeong HS, Ha KT,Choi JY, Han CW, Ahn KS, Oh SR et al. Carthami Flos suppresses neutrophilic lung inflammation in mice, for which nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor-1 is required. Phytomedicine 2014, 21(4):470-478.


Chung TW, Choi HJ, Lee JY, Jeong HS, Kim CH, Joo M, Choi JY, Han CW, Kim SY, Choi JS, Ha KT. Marine algal fucoxanthin inhibits the metastatic potential of cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013;439(4):580-585.


Kim KH, Kwun MJ, Choi JY, Ahn KS, Oh SR, Lee YG, Christman JW, Sadikot RT, Han CW, Joo M. Therapeutic Effect of the Tuber of Alisma orientale on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:863892. doi: 10.1155/2013/863892. 


Lee HS, Park HL, Lee SJ, Shin BC, Choi JY, Lee MS. Scalp acupuncture for Parkinson's disease: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. 2013;19(4):297-306. 


Choi HJ, Jang HJ, Chung TW, Jeong SI, Cha J, Choi JY , Han CW, Jang YS, Joo M, Jeong HS, Ha KT. Catalpol suppresses advanced glycation end-products-induced inflammatory responses through inhibition of reactive oxygen species in human monocytic THP-1 cells. Fitoterapia. 2013 Apr;86:19-28.


Han CW, Kwun MJ, Kim KH, Choi JY, Oh SR, Ahn KS, Lee JH, Joo M. Ethanol extract of Alismatis Rhizoma reduces acute lung inflammation by suppressing NF-κB and activating Nrf2. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013. doi:pii: S0378-8741(13)00021-4


Kim KH, Kong JC, Choi JY , Choi TY, Shin BC, McDonald S, Lee MS. Impact of Including Korean Randomized Controlled Trials in Cochrane Reviews of Acupuncture. PLoS ONE 2012;7(10): e47619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047619


Kim JI,Choi JY(co-first author), Lee DH, Choi TY, Lee MS, Ernst E. Acupuncture for the treatment of tinnitus: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. BMC Complement Altern Med . 2012;12(1):97.


J Choi , MJ Kwun, KH Kim, JH Lyu, CW Han, H Jeong, K Ha, H Jung, B Lee, R. Sadikot, JW Christman, S Jung, M Joo. Protective Effect of the Fruit Hull of Gleditsia sinensis on LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury Is Associated with Nrf2 Activation Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012;974713


Kim JI, Kim TH, Lee MS, Kang JW, Kim KH, Choi JY , Kang KW, Kim AR, Shin MS, Jung SY, Choi SM. Evaluation of wet-cupping therapy for persistent non-specific low back pain: a randomised, waiting-list controlled, open-label, parallel-group pilot trial. Trials . 2011;12:146.


Kwon HJ, Kim JI, Lee MS, Choi JY , Kang S, Chung JY, Kim YJ, Lee SH, Lee S, Nam D, Kim YS, Lee JD, Choi DY. Acupuncture for sequelae of Bell's palsy: a randomized controlled trial protocol. Trials. 2011;12:71


Kim KH, Kim TH, Kang JW, Lee MS, Kim JI, Choi JY , Sul JU, Choi SM. Acupuncture for erectile dysfunction in a non-diabetic haemodialysis patient: a case report. Acupunct Med. 2011;29(1):58-60


Choi JY , Jung HJ, Kim JI, Lee MS, Kang KW, Roh YL, Choi SM, Jung SK. A randomized pilot study of acupuncture as an adjunct therapy in adult asthmatic patients. J Asthma 2010;47(7):774-80.


Jung SK, Ra J, Seo J, Jung HJ, Choi JY , Cho YJ, Hong MS, Chung JH, Kim J. An Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Polymorphism is Associated With Clinical Phenotype When Using Differentiation-Syndrome to Categorize Korean Bronchial Asthma Patients. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011;2011:498138


Kim JI, Choi JY(co-first author) , Lee H, Lee MS, Ernst E. Moxibustion for hypertension: a systematic review. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2010;10:33.


Kim JI, Choi JY(co-first author) , Lee MS, Kim TH, Kim AR, Jung SY, Shin MS, Kim KH. Acupuncture for improving chronic rhinosinusitis complicated with persistent allergic rhinitis. A prospective observational study. Forsch Komplementmed 2010;17(6):333-5.


Lee S, Lee MS, Choi JY , Lee SW, Jeong SY, Ernst E. Acupuncture and heart rate variability: a systematic review. Auton Neurosci 2010;155(1-2):5-13.


Park JE, Lee MS, Choi JY , Kim BY, Choi SM. Adverse events associated with acupuncture: a prospective survey. J Altern Complement Med 2010;16(9):959-63.


Shin MS, Kim JI, Lee MS, Kim KH, Choi JY, Kang KW, Jung SY, Kim AR, Kim TH. Acupuncture for treating dry eye: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Acta Ophthalmol 2010;88(8):e328-33.


Kim KH, Kim TH, Choi JY , Kim JI, Lee MS, Choi SM. Acupuncture for symptomatic relief of gastroparesis in a diabetic haemodialysis patient. Acupunct Med 2010;28(2):101-3.


Kim KH, Kim TH, Kang JW, Lee MS, Kim JI, Choi JY, Sul JU, Choi SM. Acupuncture for erectile dysfunction in a non-diabetic haemodialysis patient: a case report. Acupunct Med 2010;29(1):58-60.


Kim JI, Lee MS, Jung SY, Choi JY, Lee S, Ko JM, Zhao H, Zhao J, Kim AR, Shin MS, Kang KW, Jung HJ, Kim TH, Liu B, Choi SM. Acupuncture for persistent allergic rhinitis: a multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial protocol. Trials 2009;10:54.


Kim TH, Kim JI, Shin MS, Lee MS, Choi JY, Jung SY, Kim AR, Seol JU, Choi SM. Acupuncture for dry eye: a randomised controlled trial protocol. Trials 2009;10:112.


Park JE, Lee MS, Jung S, Kim A, Kang K, Choi J, Park J, Choi SM. Moxibustion for treating menopausal hot flashes: a randomized clinical trial. Menopause. 2009;16(4):660-5.


Kim AR, Choi JY , Kim JI, Jung SY, Choi SM. Acupuncture Treatment of a Patient with Persistent Allergic Rhinitis Complicated by Rhinosinusitis and Asthma. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011;2011:79808.


Kim KH, Kang KW, Jung HJ, Park JE, Jung SY, Choi JY, Choi SM. Study Protocol: effects of acupuncture on hot flushes in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women - a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Trials 2008;9:70.




Shim S, Seo H, Seo H, Cho I, Lee C, Kim S, Han C, Park S, Yun Y, Lee I et al: Traditional Korean Medicine for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Undergoing Pembrolizumab Immunotherapy: A Case Report. 대한한방내과학회지 2019, 40(4):709-722.

Kim H, Choi J, Cheon J, Kim K, Kim K, Oh T, Kim Y, Park K, Kim K: A Comparative Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of 'Hwangryunhaedok-tang' in Treatment of Gastritis : Study Protocol. 대한한의학방제학회지 2019, 27(3):213-221.

Shim S, Seo H, Choi J, Bae G, Seo H, Kim S, Han C, Park S, Yun Y, Lee I et al: Traditional Korean Medicine for Skin Toxic Side Effects from Afatinib in a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient: A Case Report. 대한한방내과학회지 2018, 39(5):973-983.

Seo H, Bae G, Choi J, Shim S, Seo H, Han C, Kim S, Choi J, Park S, Yun Y et al: A Case Report of a Stroke Patient with Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Colonization Treated with Korean Medicine, Especially Gami-sipjeondaebo-tang. 대한한방내과학회지 2018, 39(5):939-948.

Park C, Hong M, Ban J, Jeong H, Choi J: Review on Herbal Medications of Asthma in Domestic Clinical Research on Traditional Korean Medicine. 동의생리병리학회지 2018, 32(6):361-369.


Kim H, Cheon J, Choi J, Kim K: A Case of General Weakness in Patient with Pulmonary Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma. 大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 2018, 32(4):63-70.

Lee J, Choi J, Han C, Choi J, Park S, Kim S: A Review on Experimental Research about Anticancer Drug Combined Treatment with Herbal Medicine for Killing or Inhibiting Proliferation of Cancer cells in Korea. 대한한의학방제학회지 2017, 25(3):391-412.

Kim D, Cho M, Hong M, Choi J: A Survey in the General Population on the Perception of the Common Cold Treatment at the Korean Medical Clinic. 대한한방내과학회지 2017, 38(3):336-352.

Hong M, Shim S, Yoon S, Choi J, Kim Y: Development and Validity Test on Preliminary Critical Pathway of Integrative Medicine for Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Chemotherapy. 대한한방내과학회지 2017, 38(6):917-929.

Choi J, Choi J, Lim H, Kim J, Kim S, Han C: Research on Immune Enhancing Effect and Safety of Wasong (Orostachys japonicus) Extract: Study Protocol for a Single Center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Clinical Trial. 대한한의학방제학회지 2017, 25(2):135-143.

Choi J, Cho J, Bae G, Shim S, Seo H, Choi J, Kwon J, Lee I, Hong J, Yun Y et al: A Case Report of a Patient with Chemotherapy-induced Leukopenia Treated with Acupuncture. 대한한방내과학회지 2017, 38(5):806-811.

Choi J, Ahn S, Shih Y, Sa B, Kim K: Mitigating Effect of Jageum-jung on Dextran Sulfate Sodium-induced Ulcerative Colitis through Anti-inflammatory Regulation. 대한한방내과학회지 2017, 38(6):944-954.

Kang Y, Hong M, Han C, Choi J, Park S, Kim S: Review on Clinical Studies of Traditional Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture Treatments for Colorectal Cancer Patients. 동의생리병리학회지 2016, 30(4):219-228.

Hong M, Park H, Cho J, Choi J, Bae G, Han C, Park S, Kim S, Lee I, Hong J et al: A Case Report of a Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Patient Treated with Korean Medicine after Wedge Resection of the Lung. 대한한방내과학회지 2016, 37(5):776-785.

Park H, Hong M, Cho J, Choi J, Kim N, Park J, Park J, Lee D, Baek K, Lee I: Study on the Trend of Domestic and International Research about Convergence in Korean Medicine. 동의생리병리학회지 2015, 29(4):313-321.

Kim S, Choi J, Yun Y, Park S, Han C: A Case Report of Long-term Acupuncture Treatment in Bortezomib Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. 2015, 32(4):208-212.

Kim S, Choi J, Park S, Kwon J, Lee I, Hong J, Han C: Acupuncture, ST-36 Electroacupuncture and Moxa Treatment of Abdominal Pain due to Bowel Obstruction in Cancer Patients : Case Report. 동의생리병리학회지 2014, 28(2):238-242.

Kim D, Jeon D, Park S, Lee S, Cho W, Han C, Kim S, Choi J, Kim Y: Effectiveness of Additional Acupuncture Therapy for Lung Cancer Patients - A single group before-and-after, preliminary study. 동의생리병리학회지 2014, 28(1):82-88.

Hong M, Lee J, Park H, Lee H, Cho M, Han C, Park S, Kim S, Kwon J, Lee I et al: Acute Analgesic Effect of Electroacupuncture on a Cancer Pain in a Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient : a Case Report. 동의생리병리학회지 2014, 28(6):689-694.

Choi J, Kim K, Choi J, Han C, Ha K, Jeong H, Joo M: Identification of the Plant Part of Gleditsia sinensis that Activates Nrf2, an Anti-oxidative Transcription Factor. 동의생리병리학회지 2014, 28(3):303-309.

Ryu H, Lee I, Han C, Kim S, Hong J, Park S, Kwon J, Choi J: Patients Preference for Korean Medicine Doctors' Attire: a Survey of Outpatients at a University Hospital. 대한예방한의학회지 2013, 17(3):155-164.

Lee M, Chang K, Choi J, Park S, Kim K, Jeong H, Ha K: Comparative Study on Therapeutics between Shanghanzabing-lun and Juyan Wooden Slips. 동의생리병리학회지 2013, 27(5):497-508.

Lee B, Jung H, Choi J, Kang W, Jung S: Preliminary Study to Develop a Korean Oriental Medical Assessment Tool for Syndrome Differentiation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 大韓韓醫學會誌 2012, 33(3):82-94.

Han C, Kim D, Park S, Cho M, Kim S, Hong J, Lee I, Park S, Kwon J, Choi J: Case of Stage Ⅳ Renal Cancer Patient Whose Metastatic Lymph Node and Severe Back Pain Improved after Integrative Treatment. 동의생리병리학회지 2012, 26(2):228-233.

Choi J, Kim S, Cho M, Kim D, Park S, Kwon J, Hong J, Lee I, Park S, Han C: Acupuncture and Moxiburstion Alleviates Chronic Postoperative Pain as a Comlication of Gastrointestinal Surgery: Apropos 8 Cases. 동의생리병리학회지 2012, 26(2):206-211.

Chang K, Lee M, Choi J, Lee B, Shin S, Jeong H, Ha K: Study on Murai Kinzan's Medical thought Appeared in 『Yakuchozokuhen』. 동의생리병리학회지 2012, 26(4):418-426.

Park S, Kim D, Han C, Park S, Lee I, Choi J: Integrated Medicine Therapy for an End-stage Lung Cancer Patient with Brain Metastasis. 大韓癌韓醫學會誌 2011, 16(2):43-51.

Lee K, Park D, Kim G, Bang J, Kim J, Choi J, Jung H, Jung S: A Systematic Review fromthe Journals under the Korean Oriental Medical Society. 大韓韓醫學會誌 2010, 31(5):1-11.

Choi J, Bang J, Shen F, Jung H, Jung S: A Systematic Review from the Journals of the Korean Oriental Medical Society. 대한한의학회지 2010, 31(1):14-22.

Kim T, Luvsannaym B, Kim J, Choi J, Choi S: An Introduction of Febrile Disease in Mongolian Traditional Medicine. 대한침구학회지 2009, 26(4):91-98.

Roh Y, Choi J, Lee S, Kim J, Jung H, Jung S: Clinical Effects of Chungin-troche As an Adjuctive Medicine with Chronic Cough Patients. 대한한방내과학회지 2008, 29(3):716-729.

Oh D, Jung S, Kim A, Kang W, Park J, Koo C, Choi J, Jung H, Choi S, Son C: A Crossover Clinical Trial to Determine the Effect of Siguan(Four Gates) Points on Gastrointestinal Motility Suppressed by Loperamide Administration. 大韓韓醫學會誌 2008, 29(1):1-6.

Oh D, Choi J, Jung S, Shin M, Kim A, Kang K, Kim J, Choi S: Assessment of Regulatory Effect of Electro-acupuncture at Jogsamni(ST36), on Electrogastrography in Diabetic Patients with Gastric Dysrhythmia: A Case Series Study. 대한침구학회지 2008, 25(4):95-103.

Jung H, Choi J, Park J, Kim K, Choi S, Oh D: Causality Assessment of Adverse Events on Acupuncture. 경락경혈학회지 2008, 25(2):95-105.

Choi J, Oh D, Roh Y, Jung H, Jung S, Choi S: Acupuncture, an Adjunct Therapy for Asthma: a Pilot Study Protocol of Randomized Controlled Trial. 경락경혈학회지 2008, 25(3):43-51.

Choi J, Oh D, Jung H, Choi S, Jung S: Hominis Placental Pharmacoacupuncture, a Promising Asthma Therapy. 경락경혈학회지 2008, 25(2):87-94.

Park J, Oh D, Shin S, Choi J, Koo C, Kim A, Jung S, Han K, Choi S: Analysis of Recent Trends in Clinical Research Publications on Acupuncture and Moxibustion Studies. 한국한의학연구원논문집 2007, 13(2):101-112.

Park J, Oh D, Choi J, Jung S, Kim A, Koo C, Jung H, Choi S: Review of Adverse Events in Acupuncture Treatment. 한국한의학연구원논문집 2007, 13(3):79-85.

Seung-Yeon Jeong J-SLJ-YCK-YLH-JJH-KRH-SBS-KJ: Clinical effects of AF-365 for maintenance therapy in chronic stages of asthmas. 大韓方內科學會誌 2005, 26(01):001-011.

Jun-Yong Choi H-JJK-YLS-YJJ-HHH-KRS-KJ: Repeatsability and Appropriate Predicted Value of Portable Spirometry on Korean Adults. 大韓方內科學會誌 2005, 26(03):587-595.

Sung-Ki Jung H-JJJ-SLK-YLS-YJ, Hyung-Koo Rhee J-YC: The Clinical Effects of Gamichuongsangboha-tang(Jiaweiqingshangbuxia-tang) extract in Asthmatic Patients Based on Severity. 대한한의학회지 2004, 25(2):110-118.

Jun-Yong Choi J-SLS-YJJ-SLK-YLS-YJK-KLH-JJH-KRS-KJ: An Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of Gamichuongsangboha-tang in 30 Asthmatics Based on Criteria for Defiency-Excess Differentiating Syndromes of Asthma. 大韓方內科學會誌 2004, 25(03):379-387.

Jae-Sung Lee S-YJK-YLJ-YCH-JJH-GRS-KJ: GSRS(Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale)-Based Invesitgation about Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Histories in Patients with Asthmatic Symptoms. 대한한의학회지 2004, 25(1):198-204.

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